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Shipping cost depends on the weight of your order and the recipient country
When ordering (after the delivery address is specified) you will be offered possible delivery methods and their cost.
If you see a message that delivery to your country is impossible - contact us, we will find an individual solution for you.

Packages are generally dispatched within 2-10 days after receipt of payment and are shipped via AirMail and other with tracking and with required signature. Whichever shipment choice you make, we will provide you with a link to track your package online.

Shipping fees include handling and packing fees as well as postage costs. Handling fees are fixed, whereas transport fees vary according to total weight of the shipment. We advise you to group your items in one order. We cannot group two distinct orders placed separately, and shipping fees will apply to each of them. Your package will be dispatched at your own risk, but special care is taken to protect fragile objects.
Boxes are amply sized and your items are well-protected.

International delivery varies by destination, but can takes anywhere from 2-8 weeks depending on the shipping option. Economic class international shipping typically takes 2-3 weeks, and priority mail typically takes 1-2 weeks. The priority mail option includes an extra fee and comes with the tracking feature and a sooner delivery date.

Due to reasons of safety (items not fit to air transporent), airlines may restrict the content of items transported by air.

This items can be transported by road when necessary but the promised delivery time cannot be guaranteed.

In the event that the parcel is returned by the Aviation Security Service and it is impossible to send it by land, the amount of the order, excluding the cost of delivery, will be refunded.
If the parcel is returned by the customs of the recipient's country, the cost of the order is not refundable The buyer is obliged to know the laws of his country in terms of the list of items allowed for import, as well as the payment of taxes and duties

For any other questions please email

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