Leovit Leo kids Kissel Gastric 12g x 5pcs

Leovit Leo kids Kissel Gastric 12g x 5pcs

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The drink is intended for therapeutic and preventive nutrition of children from 12 months of age, with gastrointestinal diseases, including stomach diseases. It has a healing and anti-inflammatory effect, improves appetite, improves intestinal microflora, and reduces discomfort.
Due to the use of natural ingredients, there may be sediment in the finished drink from small pieces of crushed herbs and fruits.
The natural components of jelly have an enveloping effect, help protect the stomach and relieve unpleasant symptoms in case of digestive disorders or inflammatory diseases of the stomach. They protect the gastrointestinal mucosa, promote digestion, and improve the intestinal microflora.
At the heart of each kissel for children from the year Leo Kids is a collection of medicinal herbs, the safety and effectiveness of which have been clinically proven. Kissel was created taking into account the characteristics of the child's body and age-related needs. The product was developed by Russian experts in the field of dietetics and nutrition and is recommended by Russian pediatricians.
Recommendations for preparation: add 110-130 ml of boiling water to the contents of the package, mix thoroughly, cool to an acceptable temperature.
Recommendations for use:
children from 1 to 3 years old - 1/2 portion of the finished drink 1-2 times a day,
children from 3 to 7 years old - 1 portion of the finished drink 1-2 times a day,
children over 7 years old and adults - 1 serving of the finished drink 2-3 times a day.
Ingredients: sucrose, potato starch, fruits and vegetables (apples, carrots, pumpkin), oatmeal, extracts (Rhodiola rosea, propolis, St. John's wort, peppermint, turmeric), dietary fiber (guar gum), acidity regulator - citric acid, flavor natural.
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