MIXIT Spa Rituals Aqua Relax Shine Bath Salt 350g

MIXIT Spa Rituals Aqua Relax Shine Bath Salt 350g

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Relaxing shining bath salt will allow you to be filled with the life-giving energy of water and take a break from worries. Grains of salt quickly dissolve in water, making the skin smooth and silky. Laminaria extract nourishes, moisturizes and softens the skin of the body, stimulates metabolism, increasing firmness and elasticity. And the incredible shimmering shimmer will give the skin a slight glow.
Ingredients: Sodium Chloride, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Laminaria Extract, Peppermint Extract, Melissa Extract, Tarragon Extract, Ginger Root Extract, Green Tea Extract, Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate, Parfum, Fluorphlogopite, Titanium Dioxide, Tin Oxide, Mica, Water, Propylene Glycol , Sodium sulfate, CI 42090.
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