Natura Siberica Mystic Sardaana Perfumed Bath Salt 500ml

Natura Siberica Mystic Sardaana Perfumed Bath Salt 500ml / 16.90oz

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Salt with organic extract of Sardaana Dahurian lily - will help you relax after a busy day and keep your skin young and beautiful for a long time. Feel a complete reboot of your body, restoration of vitality and energy.
Dissolve 4 tablespoons of salt at a temperature of 36-38 C and enjoy the delicate aroma. The duration of the bath is 10-15 minutes.
INCI: Maris Sal with infusions of Lilium Pensylvanicum Flower ExtractWH (Sardaana Dahurian Lily Extract), Rosa Davurica Extract* (Dahurian Rose Extract), Rubus Sachalinensis Leaf ExtractWH (Sakhalin Raspberry Extract), Melissa Officinalis Leaf Extract* (Melissa Extract), Parfum .
* – organic ingredients
WH - organic extracts of wild plants of Siberia
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