Natura Siberica Biberika Baby Protective Lip Balm 4g

Natura Siberica Biberika Baby Protective Lip Balm 4g

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Child Protective lip balm "Sponge-berries"
Organic Oil of wild arctic raspberry Extract timber cloudberry and sea buckthorn
Your baby needs quivering care and tender care! Give him all the best that nature gives us. Child protective balm, specially designed for the delicate skin of the lips kid, he gently nourishes and moisturizes the skin, reliably protecting it from the sun, cold and wind. Natural ingredients of Siberian plants that make up the balm does not cause allergies and are absolutely safe for licking lips. Suitable for use in summer and winter. Organic wild arctic raspberry Oil intensively softens and protects lips from chapping. Cloudberry Extract timber prevents the loss of moisture, has a moisturizing and healing effect. Organic Sea Buckthorn Oil nourishes the skin, has a natural sun protection factor, prevents peeling.

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