Mi&Ko Toilet soap Oakmoss 75g

Mi&Ko Toilet soap Oakmoss 75g

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Practice has shown that Oakmoss toilet soap, created specifically for men, is often confiscated by ... women! Beautiful ladies clearly liked its incomparable composition, fantastic sensual aroma and delicate cleansing properties. So it's better to take several copies at once! But seriously, before you is a completely natural soap, saturated with valuable oils and extracts. It is great for shaving, lathers well and provides comfort while relieving irritation and itching. At the same time, the soap also smells like the most exquisite men's perfume. The alluring plume of the fragrance remains on the skin for a long time, attracting the attention of your chosen one - this is a temptation that is hard to resist!
Main active ingredients
Oak extract is a reliable natural antiseptic with a pronounced astringent effect. Reduces skin sensitivity, protects it from irritation, heals wounds and cracks, strengthens blood vessels.
Patchouli essential oil decontaminates the skin after shaving while reducing irritation and redness. Quickly heals micro cuts and cracks. Due to the sensual expensive aroma, it is used in the best men's perfumes.
Sodium salts of fatty acids of palm, coconut and castor oils provide mild cleansing properties of soap, help to avoid excessive degreasing of the skin.
Sweet almond oil is a light nourishing oil rich in vitamins (E, A, F, group B). Softens, relieves irritation, slows down the aging process. Especially recommended for those with mature and tired skin.
Jojoba oil is one of the richest cosmetic vegetable oils. Easily and completely absorbed, nourishing and regenerating the skin. Forms a protective breathable film on the surface.
Calendula extract and bitter orange essential oil multiply the anti-inflammatory effect of the product, prevents the appearance of acne, and normalizes oily skin.
The sage extract acts like its aroma: it relaxes, relieves stress, sets you up for rest. Heals microtraumas of the skin, disinfects and improves blood circulation.
Lavender essential oil has the ability to instantly refresh and soothe the skin. In combination with eclipta extract, it perfectly heals minor skin injuries.
Nettle extract with its astringent properties quickly stops bleeding from scratches and accelerates tissue regeneration. Nettle chlorophyll normalizes the sebaceous glands.
Horsetail and horse chestnut extracts strengthen and tone the skin, while echinacea extract enhances its natural immunity.
Neem extract is rich in glycerides of valuable fatty acids, which nourish and moisturize the skin, restore its tone and elasticity.
Oakmoss Absolute is a fragrant essence extracted from oakmoss with maximum preservation of its aroma. It is used in luxury perfumery.
Ingredients: sodium salts of fatty acids of palm, coconut, castor oils, sweet almond oil, artesian water, vegetable glycerin, jojoba oil, decoctions of oak, nettle, burdock, essential oils of bitter orange, lavender, patchouli, oak moss absolute, extracts of sage, oak , calendula, nettle, horse chestnut, horsetail, echinacea, neem and melia extract, eclipta extract.
Application: Moisten the soap under running water, lather, rinse thoroughly with water.
Can be used for shaving.
Do not use in case of intolerance to components.
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