KLEONA Body Sunscreen SPF 30 125ml

KLEONA 7.9 Body Sunscreen SPF30 with mineral filters 125ml / 4.22oz

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Filling protection cream based on mineral filters (zinc oxide and hydroxyappatitis). It has high efficiency, security and meets the requirements of the European Commission on UV Protection. Protects the skin from solar burns, the appearance of pigment stains and photobores during summer recreation in countries with medium solar activity, as well as with a long stay outdoor. Little noticeable on the skin. Thanks to the easy texture, it is evenly applied to the skin, quickly absorbed, does not cause stickiness.
Water softened, UV filters: zinc oxide (20 wt.%), Hydroxyappatitis (7 wt.%) Capril and capric acid triglycerides, oil, oil, Glycerin of vegetable origin, D-panthenol, lecithin soybean, cesetian Alcohol, Biosaccharide gum, COFOKLUKOSID, Glyceneriloleate, extract of Japanese honeysuckle, glycerlulkaprylate, bee wax, xanthan gum, tocopherol acetate (vitamin E), oleic acid, citric acid.
Apply a sufficient amount on clean skin. Cream (standard consumption on one application to the whole body - 20 ml), let it absorb. Repeat the cream of the cream after bathing, intense sweating, wiping with a towel or every 2 hours of continuous stay in the sun (the requirement of the World Health Organization).
Application of insufficient cream reduces its protective properties.
Before the first application, swipe the sensitivity test.
Avoid getting a cream in the eye.
Contraindications: Allergic reactions to cream components.
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