KLEONA Natural Body Milk Milk 100ml

KLEONA Natural Body Milk Milk 100ml / 3.38oz

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Light milk for daily body skin care. Contains milk proteins and a natural complex based on natural sugars that provide long-lasting hydration to the skin. Olive oil and shea butter have a balanced fatty acid composition and contain a high percentage of valuable unsaponifiable substances (phospholipids, phytosterols, tocopherols, waxes). Thanks to this, they nourish and soften the skin, restore the lipid barrier, make the skin smooth and well-groomed.
Ingredients: water, olive oil, shea butter, polyglyceryl-3 stearate, coconut oil, corn cob oil, cetearyl alcohol, vanilla macerate on coconut oil, cow's milk proteins, glycerin, beet betaine, benzyl alcohol, glyceryl caprylate, glucose, fructose, milk sugar (lactose), sorbitol, allantoin, linalool, styrax (Liquidambar orientalis), sandalwood essential oil.
How to use : Apply the milk on clean skin, rub with light massaging movements until completely absorbed. Use as needed.
Contraindications: allergic reactions or individual intolerance to certain components of the milk.
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