Meela Meelo Whipped Body Butter Moisture Aloe 150ml

Meela Meelo Whipped Body Butter Moisture Aloe 150ml / 5.07oz

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Whipped body butter “Aloe Moisture” based on valuable oils effectively cares even for irritated, dehydrated body skin, making it smooth, eliminating the feeling of tightness and flaking. Made from shea butter, with the addition of coconut and camelina oils, the oil provides intense nutrition, hydration and protection. Its delicate texture and subtle aroma will relax you and turn applying the oil into a small spa treatment.
Apply to damp body skin, massaging lightly, and pat dry with a towel if desired.
The consumption of whipped butter is minimal - one teaspoon for the whole body.
- Shea Butter Oil
- aloe vera extract (Aloe Barbadensis/Aloe Vera)
- camelina oil (Camelina Sativa Seed Oil)
- coconut oil (Cocos Nucifera/Coconut Oil)
- vitamin E (Tocopherol)
- algae (Spirulina maxima/Algae)
- menthol (Menthol)
- mint essential oil (Mentha Piperita Essential Oil)

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