MIXIT Unicorn Shimmer Milk Color Bronze 100ml

MIXIT Unicorn Shimmer Milk Color Bronze 100ml / 3.38oz

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A mesmerizing body milk with an unsurpassed bronze tan glow. How it works:
Golden argan oil prevents premature aging, makes the skin soft and silky;
green coffee extract has a powerful tonic and lymphatic drainage effect;
ginseng extract stimulates collagen synthesis and metabolism at the cellular level;
ginger extract enhances blood circulation and metabolic processes, increases skin elasticity;
d-panthenol protects against aggressive environmental influences and promotes regeneration;
sparkling particles remain on the skin with a charming shine of a bronze tan and instantly lift your spirits.
rapid skin renewal;
immediate removal of excess fluid;
reliable protection of the skin from aggressive environmental influences;
significant increase in skin elasticity;
complete prevention of premature skin aging;
enchanting radiance.
For whom:
For those who want to dazzle and captivate the whole world with their beauty!
Shake the milk well before use. Apply it to the body with massage movements until completely absorbed.


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