KLEONA Monastyrskoe Scrub Soap 80g

KLEONA Monastyrskoe Scrub Soap 80g

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High quality natural scrub soap for normal to oily skin. Made from a mixture of vegetable oils and enriched with natural clay from the Rila Monastery. The special structure of this clay allows you to gently cleanse and polish the skin, simultaneously saturating it with minerals, without which neither enzymes, nor vitamins, nor other physiologically active substances work. Well whitens the skin, improves complexion. It has a beneficial effect on dull skin and skin with signs of aging.
Soap composition: saponified mixture of olive, almond, coconut, palm kernel, rapeseed oils and cocoa butter, Rila Monastery clay, spring water, glycerin, palm olein, essential oils: lemon, palmarosa, clary sage, vitamin E
How to use: lather soap and water liberally. Apply the foam on the skin of the face, neck or body with circular massaging movements. Massage the skin for 1-2 minutes. Rinse your skin with warm water. Pat it dry with a towel.
Perform the procedure 1-2 times a week
Restrictions on use: allergic reactions to the components of the soap.
Additional information: soap becomes sour after prolonged contact with water. To avoid this, keep soap in a well-ventilated perforated wooden or plastic soap dish.
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