MonoLove bio Shimmer Coco Body Scrub Watermelon 150g
MonoLove bio Shimmer Coco Body Scrub Watermelon 150g

MonoLove bio Shimmer Coco Body Scrub Watermelon 150g

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Coconut body scrub with shimmering shimmer is created specifically to make your skin smooth and soft. Watermelon extract moisturizes and nourishes, fills the skin with moisture and makes it seductive.
Squalene has a softening property, with its help the scrub makes your skin incredibly soft and velvety. Coconut shavings massage, increase blood circulation, rejuvenate the skin, and have a polishing and lymphatic drainage effect. A shimmering glitter scrub is your way to make your look even more unique.
No silicones, no parabens, no mineral oils.


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