PUSY Body shimmering scrub 250г

PUSY Body shimmering scrub 250g

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BODY SHIMMERING SCRUB - shimmering body scrub. A gentle scrub that melts into the skin. Sugar particles and innovative spherical castor oil granules provide effective and more gentle exfoliation. The skin becomes soft and velvety with a slight shimmer effect. Shea butter contains fatty acids, which saturates the skin from the inside, gives elasticity, elasticity, improving cell regeneration. Broccoli oil protects the skin from external adverse environmental influences. Use a gentle scrub as one of the basic cleansing steps. Timely exfoliation of keratinized particles will help make the work of products aimed at moisturizing and nourishing more effective. Suitable for sensitive skin. Avoid contact with eyes. Do not use on broken skin areas. If irritation occurs, discontinue use. Individual intolerance to individual components is possible.
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