Spirit of the Forest Anti-cellulite body scrub 200g

Spirit of the Forest Anti-cellulite body scrub 200g

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The Spirit of the FOREST brand is a manufacturer of natural, organic cosmetics for the body. Anti-cellulite body scrub provides effective skin care. The combination of salt, coconut oils have a gentle, gentle, but effective cleansing of the skin. Anti-cellulite body scrub suitable for baths and baths. Also, body scrub with glitter can be used in preparation before hair removal using depilation or shugaring anti-cellulite with natural skin oils Korean body body with coconut warming shimmering organic cosmetics sugar salt coconut organic shimmer sparkles oily pepper moisturizing cleansing peeling exfoliating after a shower bath warming lifting shiny gentle sensitive Wynny Organic Coconut Cherry Strawberry Lip Foot Korea Hot Dry Genuine Stretch Marks Fitness Sea Buckthorn Eyebrow Scrubs Head Male Organic Slimming
Ingredients: coconut oil 10%, orange essential oil 3%, ground coffee 25%, shimmer 2%, sea salt 60%
Purposes of Application
Anti-cellulite & Weight loss
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