MIXIT Spa Rituals Spa Rituals Amber & Tonka Body Scrub 300g

MIXIT Spa Rituals Amber & Tonka Body Scrub 300g / 10.52oz

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Sugar and salt body scrub with the aroma of amber and tonka bean delicately levels imperfections, evens out skin texture and makes it smooth. Sea salt and cane sugar deeply cleanse and gently exfoliate dead cells. Macadamia, shea and coconut oils combined with cocoa extract nourish, moisturize and protect the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals. And the sensual aroma of amber and tonka beans fills you with energy and strength.

How does it work:
Sea salt and cane sugar deeply cleanse and renew the skin, improve blood circulation;
Walnut shells gently exfoliate the top layer of the epidermis and even out the relief;
Cocoa extract makes the skin tightened and slows down the aging process;
Macadamia oil intensively nourishes, restores and softens;
Shea butter has a powerful protective effect, accelerates cell regeneration and moisturizes;
Coconut oil promotes rejuvenation, moisturizes, soothes and relieves inflammation.
exfoliation of dead cells;
deep cleansing;
nourished and elastic skin;
visible increase in skin elasticity;
impeccably smooth terrain.

Take a small amount of scrub, distribute evenly over damp skin with light massage movements, and rinse with water. Use 2-3 times a week.

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