Golden Silk Burdock Hair Oil with Castor Oil and Cloves 90ml

Golden Silk Burdock Hair Oil with Castor Oil and Cloves 90ml / 3.04oz

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Strengthens hair roots
Restores damaged hair structure
Prevents breaking and splitting at the ends.
The combined effect of Burdock and Castor oil, essential oil of cloves and Vitamin E helps to restore weak and damaged hair structure, prevents their fragility, splitting at the ends, restores shine and elasticity. Easy to wash off with shampoo. Does not burden the hair.
Mode of application
Apply oil to the hair roots. Spread the comb evenly over the entire length.
Leave on the hair, wrap your head with a towel, for 20-30 minutes.
Wash off with shampoo.
Avoid eye contact. Individual intolerance of components is possible.
Use 1-2 times a week.
Ingredients: Zea Mays (Corn) Oil, Arctium Lappa Oil Extract, Сastor Oil, Eugenia Caryophyllata Oil, Tocopheryl Acetate, BHT, BHA
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