Evalar Burdock oil with nettle extract 100ml

Evalar Burdock oil with nettle extract 100ml / 3.38oz

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Burdock oil with nettle is made on the basis of burdock root extract and nettle root.Enriched with an additional complex of vitamins, including vitamin K, carotenoids, phyto-and sitosterol, and most importantly - chlorophyll, which, similar to its action in plants, is an important "building material" and a nutrient for the hair roots, contributing to their strengthening and enhancing growth.
Rub warm oil into hair roots. Spread over the entire length. Wrap the head with a plastic cap or towel. An hour later, wash off with shampoo. Use 1-2 times a week.
Ingredients: 7.5% burdock root + 7.5% nettle + 85% soybean oil
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