Evalar Burdock oil with horsetail extract (with ceramides) 100ml

Evalar Burdock oil with horsetail extract (with ceramides) 100ml / 3.38oz

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The extract of a horsetail entered into structure repeatedly strengthens action of burdock oil, thanks to organic compounds of silicon. Being the most related to the human body, organic silicon compounds stimulate the activity of connective tissue cells, restoring the damaged hair structure, ensure their strength, elasticity and impermeability, and also have conditioning properties
Rub warm oil into hair roots. Spread over the entire length. Wrap the head with a plastic cap or towel. An hour later, wash off with shampoo. Use 1-2 times a week.
Ingredients: 7.5% burdock root + 7.5% horsetail extract + 85% soybean oil.

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