Mirrolla Burdock oil with red pepper 150ml

Mirrolla Burdock oil with red pepper 150ml / 5.07oz

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Enhancing hair growth
Strengthening the hair shaft
Burdock oil obtained by oil extraction has a complex of healing properties. The rich composition, which includes vitamins, minerals, flavonoids and polysaccharides prevents hair brittleness, has a moisturizing effect, and accelerates the restoration of damaged hair. Red pepper (burning) enhances blood microcirculation, contributing to the awakening of "sleeping" hair follicles, the rapid delivery of useful components of burdock directly to the hair follicles. Strengthens hair roots, stimulates their growth, prevents hair loss.
Arctium Lappa Root Extract, Capsicum Annuum Extract.
Mode of application
warm oil in a water bath and apply to damp clean hair. Spread along the entire length using a comb with rare teeth. Put on a plastic hat and wrap your head in a towel, after 20-30 minutes rinse your hair with shampoo. The procedure is repeated 1-2 times a week for 2-3 months.
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