Natura Siberica Caviar Collagen Night Cream Concentrate From First Signs of Aging 30ml

Natura Siberica Caviar Collagen Night Cream Concentrate From First Signs of Aging 30ml / 1.01oz

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A weightless cream with a velvety and light texture, it helps to reboot the skin's natural ability to look youthful, using the latest advances in science, delivering nutrients and deeply moisturizing it.
A powerful cocktail of restorative and strengthening ingredients, including black caviar extract, acts in four directions: replenishes the necessary vital energy and water balance, intensively moisturizes and nourishes.
Active components:
Black caviar extract, world famous for its unique anti-aging properties, is rich in proteins and collagen, minerals and vitamins, which effectively prevents the aging process and activates cell restoration and collagen production.
- Syn®-Ake polypeptide (4% content in the cream) smoothes the skin and fights expression lines. Proven Clinical Effectiveness1: Reduces wrinkle depth by 52%
- 3D black caviar collagen retains moisture at the epidermis level, improving skin tone and elasticity.
- Hyaluronic acid restores the skin's ability to retain moisture. The skin replenishes its moisture balance and acquires a healthy glow.
- Vitagenyl® complex stimulates defense genes, thereby increasing the lifespan of the cell, keeping the skin youthful.
- Ferulic acid (from Siberian iris) combined with vitamins E and C enhances skin's natural antioxidant defenses against environmental damage.
- Coenzyme Q10 stimulates cell renewal processes, improves skin tone and its protective functions. Acting as an active antioxidant, it effectively protects the skin from the daily harmful effects of the environment.
Apply in the evening to the face, neck and décolleté. Can be used alone or over serum.
Purposes of Application
Fine lines reduce
Lifting & Rejuvenation
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