Natura Siberica Shampoo OIL-PLEX for oily hair 400ml

Natura Siberica Shampoo OIL-PLEX for oily hair 400ml / 13.52oz

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Everyday shampoo gently and effectively cleanses oily hair, removes everyday dirt, dust and styling residues, activates the natural protection of the scalp. Ideal for city dwellers who are always on the move. Highly active extracts of Siberian plants from organic farms.
Pro-collagen northern kelp contains a complex of amino acids, which restores the hair structure along the entire length, makes them soft and silky, gives weightless volume from the roots.
Thanks to the special technology of roasting in bamboo, bamboo salt is rich in beneficial trace elements that have a deep detox effect and restore the natural balance of the scalp.
Kuril tea normalizes the balance of the scalp, gives a long feeling of freshness and luxurious shine.
Hair Type
Oily hair
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