Natura Siberica Shampoo ANTIOXIDANT for tired and weak hair 400ml

Natura Siberica Shampoo ANTIOXIDANT for tired and weak hair 400ml / 13.52oz

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ANTIOXIDANT shampoo gently cleanses and protects tired and weakened hair from the daily effects of the environment, fills with vital energy.
Highly active extracts of Siberian plants from organic farms
Pro-vitamins A and E of the Altai sea-buckthorn nourish and restore hair, give a maximum volume from the roots without weighting.
Rhodiola rosea protects and increases the resistance of hair to daily stress and damaging environmental factors.
Altai cranberry tones, accelerates hair growth, prevents their loss.
This tool is the holder of the certificate Cosmos - European guarantor of the unique quality and purity of plant materials and recipes.
97.9% Percentage of components of natural origin
Cosmos Natural certificate issued by Ecocert Greenlife in accordance with the COSMOS standard
Hair Type
Coloured hair
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