Natura Siberica Shampoo ANTI-POLLUTION for fine hair and split ends 400ml

Natura Siberica Shampoo ANTI-POLLUTION for fine hair and split ends 400ml / 13.52oz

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ANTI-POLLUTION shampoo has protective properties against daily environmental pollution and toxins, gently cleanses and cares for thin hair and split ends, imparts a weightless volume of roots and shine.
Highly active extracts of Siberian plants from organic farms
3-α amino acids of black juniper restore the natural protective barrier of the scalp, protect hair from external influences and daily stresses.
Due to the high content of amino acids, cedar elfin restores the structure and strengthens the hair, fills them with vitality.
Dahur rosehip deeply nourishes the hair, makes it smooth and silky, gives a luxurious shine and volume.
This tool is the holder of the certificate Cosmos - European guarantor of the unique quality and purity of plant materials and recipes.
97.9% Percentage of components of natural origin
Cosmos Natural certificate issued by Ecocert Greenlife in accordance with the COSMOS standard
Hair Type
Thin hair

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