Natura Siberica Hair Mask OIL-PLEX for dyed and damaged hair 300ml

Natura Siberica Hair Mask OIL-PLEX for dyed and damaged hair 300ml / 10.14oz

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Mask OIL-PLEX protects dyed and damaged hair from leaching of color pigment and the negative effects of the environment, intensively nourishes, maintains brightness and color depth.
Pro-oil of Far Eastern amaranth restores damaged hair structure, makes them soft, smooth and silky, emphasizes the incredible shine of dyed hair.
Rhodiola rosea protects and increases the resistance of hair to damaging environmental factors.
Sakhalin ginseng prevents fragility and split ends, makes hair dense and filled with vital energy.
Kuril dye contains a record amount of vitamin C and minerals, tones and strengthens the hair along the entire length.
Hair Type
Coloured hair
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