Natura Siberica Hair Mask ANTI-POLLUTION for fine hair and split ends 300ml

Natura Siberica Hair Mask ANTI-POLLUTION for fine hair and split ends 300ml / 10.14oz

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The ANTI-POLLUTION mask protects thin hair and split ends from daily environmental pollution and toxins, instantly makes hair noticeably more dense, thick and voluminous.
3-α amino acids of black juniper restore the natural protective barrier of the scalp, protect hair from external influences and daily stresses.
Due to the high content of amino acids, cedar elfin restores the hair structure, prevents their fragility and section of the tips.
Taiga medunitsa deeply nourishes the hair, makes them smooth and silky, gives a luxurious shine and volume.
Nanaian lemongrass is rich in essential oils, vitamins B, C and E, which effectively tone up the scalp, strengthen the hair roots and stimulate their growth.
Hair Type
Thin hair

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