Natura Siberica Hair Mask ANTIOXIDANT for tired and weak hair 300ml

Natura Siberica Hair Mask ANTIOXIDANT for tired and weak hair 300ml / 10.14oz

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The ANTIOXIDANT mask is designed specifically for the intensive protection of tired and weak hair from the daily effects of the environment. Fills hair with vitality and energy.
Pro-vitamins A and E of Altai sea buckthorn nourish and restore hair, give maximum volume and shine.
Rhodiola rosea protects and improves hair resistance to daily stress and damaging environmental factors.
Due to the high content of amino acids, cedar elfin restores the hair structure, strengthens and fills them with vitality.
Dahur rose contains essential amino acids that deeply moisturize the hair, making it elastic, resilient, docile and easy to comb.
Hair Type
Coloured hair
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