KLEONA Soft Gel Wash for Dry Skin Oatmeal 100ml

KLEONA Soft Gel Wash for Dry Skin Oatmeal 100ml / 3.38oz

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Gently cleanses, easily removes make-up residue. Does not dry, does not tighten the skin. Numerous and diverse in nature moisturizing ingredients of the gel contribute to the rapid hydration of the skin. Neutralizes the action of hard and chlorinated water. Gives a feeling of freshness and natural cleanliness. Suitable for daily use.
Isotonic saline, oat milk (set and filtered), marigold flower extract, linden flower extract, sodium lauryl glucoside, sodium cocoyl glutamate, blue agave inulin, glucose, benzyl alcohol, glyceryl caprylate, sorbitol stearate, allantoin , lavender essential oil, Bulgarian rose essential oil, ylang-ylang essential oil, neroli essential oil.
Distribute a small amount of gel over the palms, apply the resulting foam on the face and gently massage the skin in circular motions, then rinse the gel thoroughly warm water.
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