Geltek Home Care Cleansing mousse with vitamin C 150ml

Geltek mousse with vitamin C 150ml / 5.07oz

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An airy mousse cleanser based on mild, non-ionic surfactants that maintain the skin's protective barrier without drying it out. Thanks to vitamin C, the mousse gives the skin radiance and evens out tone. D-panthenol and aloe vera juice in the composition of the mousse have a calming and immunostimulating effect on the epidermis, and also prevent the feeling of discomfort and tightness after contact with water. The product is economical and convenient to use, does not sting the eyes, does not irritate the skin and can be used to remove makeup and impurities from the eye area.
Apply the mousse to wet skin of the face and neck, spread with light circular motions, rinse thoroughly with water. Use in the morning and/or evening.
Active Ingredients:
Vitamin C, panthenol, aloe vera. Extracts: peppermint, lemon balm, white tea, green tea, ginger.
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