Natura Siberica LAB Biome Balance Micellar water 450ml

Natura Siberica LAB Biome Balance Micellar water 450ml / 15.21oz

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Micellar water for oily, combination skin.
- Effectively cleanses the skin.
- Does not clog pores.
- Soothes irritated skin.
- Dries out inflammation.
A unique biome base based on Kuril thermal water, organic Kuril tea extract with a complex of prebiotics and probiotics restores the balance of the microbiome of oily, problematic skin.
Thermal Kuril water - a dermatologically active ingredient with a rich composition of mineral salts, soothes the skin.
The organic extract of Kuril tea, rich in tannins, ascorbic acid, vitamin P and organic acids, has a powerful antibacterial and sebum-regulating effect.
Synbiotic - a combination of prebiotics and probiotics reduces bacterial aggression of the skin, reduces the production of sebum, eliminating the oily sheen of the skin.
Skin Type
Combination skin
Oily skin
Problem Skin
Purposes of Application
Acne treatment
Oil control
Reduction of pores
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