Natura Siberica LAB Biome Hydration Hyaluronic micellar water 450ml

Natura Siberica LAB Biome Hydration Hyaluronic micellar water 450ml / 15.21oz

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Hyaluronic micellar water for all skin types.
- Effectively removes makeup, cleanses the skin.
- Deeply moisturizes, retains moisture in the skin.
- Does not dry the skin.
A unique base based on Baikal thermal water, an organic extract of the Baikal skullcap with a complex of prebiotics and probiotics restores the balance of the microbiome of dehydrated skin.

Thermal Baikal water fills the skin with the necessary micro and macro elements, deeply moisturizes, eliminates dryness and tightness of the skin.
The organic extract of the Baikal skullcap (a relict plant that has existed on the planet for more than 60 million years) is rich in minerals, flavonoids and essential oils, which enhance the production of elastin and collagen, promote the regeneration of skin damage.
Synbiotic - a complex of prebiotics and probiotics balances the microbiome, including the mechanisms of the skin's own immunity, moisturizes and improves skin elasticity, making it smooth, supple and radiant.
Skin Type
All skin types
Purposes of Application
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