ChocoLatte Gel-foam for washing Lifting effect 100ml

ChocoLatte Gel-foam for washing Lifting effect 100ml / 3.38oz

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For tired skin that has lost its elasticity. Tones, restores elasticity, reduces swelling and sagging skin.
Gel-Foam Cleanser is a 100% natural and safe cosmetic product based on fruit enzymes with extracts, vitamins and essential oils. Designed specifically for delicate skin cleansing and makeup removal. Does not irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes, does not dry or tighten the skin. Does not contain surfactants, soap, alcohol, fragrances, dyes!
Ingredients: water, a mixture of fruit enzymes extracted from the pulp of cherimoya fruits, oils: almond seed, macadamia; glycerin, lecithin, xanthan gum, squalane, d-panthenol, essential oils: roses and geraniums; Sharomix 705, extracts: immortelle, kelp, violet, sweet clover and carrot seeds; vitamins: A, E.

Skin Type
Mature skin
Purposes of Application
Lifting & Rejuvenation
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