Microliz Face Cleansing Powder 60g

Microliz Face Cleansing Powder 60g

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Ingredients for INCI: Corn Starch, Potassium Myristate, Potassium Laurate, Sodium Cocoyl Isethionate, Sorbitol, Potassium Oleate, Papain, inulin (Inulin), cyclodextrin (Cyclodextrin), malic acid (Malic Acid), lemon extract (Citrius Limonum (Peel) Extract), orange extract (Citrus Aurantium Fruit Extract), pear extract (Pear Extract), apple extract (Apple Extract), salicylic acid (Salicylic Acid).
Facial cleanser with peeling enzymes, when mixed with water, turns into a gentle foam, gently cleanses the skin pores from impurities, excess sebum and keratinized epidermal cells. Dull skin noticeably lighter, becomes smooth, without contaminated enlarged pores and black spots. The penetration of the active components of subsequent skin care products improves.
Application: place a small amount of powder in the palm of your hand and mix with a small amount of water, foam and apply with massage movements on the face. Then rinse thoroughly with warm water.
Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components.
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