Geltek Home Care Cleansing Mousse with Aloe Vera 150ml

Geltek Mousse with Aloe Vera 150ml / 5.07oz

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Cleansing airy mousse with a pleasant aroma, effectively removes makeup and all kinds of residue from the skin. In addition to the mildest, non-ionic surface-active substances (surfactants) that retain a protective barrier, the mousse contains components that relieve irritation and significantly improve skin quality. Mousse is very convenient to use, does not cause discomfort, tightness, does not dry out the skin after washing, does not sting eyes and can be used to remove makeup and impurities from the around eye area.
Active ingredients: TEA-cocoyl glutamate and coco-glucoside, Poloxamer-184, D-Panthenol, Aloe Vera juice, fucogel
Usage: for home care
Shelf life: 2 years
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