KLEONA Herbal mask to protect the scalp during hair dyeing 150ml

KLEONA Herbal mask to protect the scalp during hair dyeing 150ml / 5.07oz

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Protects the scalp from burns during hair coloring. Prevents damage to hair follicles and reduces hair loss.
Ingredients: water, Shea butter, rice oil, ginger extract, cold pressed sea buckthorn berry oil, calendula oil, olive oil, cetearyl alcohol, biosaccharide gum, glycerin, red clover extract, oil Cranberry Seed, Jojoba Oil, Natural Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Complex (Vitamin F), Lecithin, Lycopene, Castor Oil, Allantoin, Vitamin B5, Orange Essential Oil, Lactic Acid, Apricot Wax, Tocopherol Acetate (Vitamin E), Benzyl Alcohol, Essential Oil lime, lavender essential oil, glyceryl caprylate, guar gum, xanth gum.
For maximum effect, it is recommended to apply the mask according to the scheme: a day before hair coloring and 3-4 times within 2 weeks after coloring.
Owners of fair hair are advised to use the mask only before dyeing their hair to avoid the appearance of an undesirable shade in the hair.
Evenly apply the mask on the scalp and gently spread it over the entire surface with massaging movements. Put on a plastic cap, wrap your head with a towel. Leave the mask for 30-40 minutes, then wash it off with a mild shampoo.
To improve the condition of the hair after coloring, dilute a small amount of the mask with warm water and apply it for 5-7 minutes along the entire length of the hair.
It is recommended to apply the mask slightly warmed up. Shake the bottle vigorously several times before application.
The mask is quickly absorbed into the scalp and hair. The nominal consumption for 1 procedure is 30-40 grams (2 tablespoons). If it turns out that the consumption of the mask is greater, dilute it with warm water before applying.
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