Estel Professional Cream hair dye PRINCESS ESSEX 60ml

Estel Professional Cream hair dye PRINCESS ESSEX 60ml / 2.02oz

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98 shades - for fashionable permanent coloring. Allows you to easily create beautiful shades, carefully takes care of the hair during the procedure, provides perfect coverage of gray hair and guarantees 100% matching. Saturating the hair with color, makes it more elastic and shiny due to the VIVANT SYSTEM care system.
How does VIVANT SYSTEM work?
Keratin complex - promotes structural hair restoration
Beeswax - nourishes the hair and gently affects the scalp
Guar Seed Extract
The Estel Princess Essex palette provides long-lasting bright coloring and includes:
74 shades of the main palette
10 shades of the Extra Red series
4 fashion shades
4 shades of the Lumen series
10 shades of S-OS for blondes
8 color correctors
Estel Princess Essex paints are suitable for permanent coloring and toning of natural, dyed, bleached, gray hair of any type.

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