Concept Crème Emulsion 3%

Concept Crème Emulsion 3%

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Oxidizing emulsion Profy Touch 3% is a necessary component in the processes of professional hair coloring, lightening or bleaching. This product of the line completely covers all the needs of the master, both in the basic processes of coloring, toning and lightening, and when performing complex techniques. Concept oxidizing hair emulsion is universal, as it is designed taking into account the characteristics of all Concept dyes and lightening products; this multifunctionality allows the master to optimize the purchase and work space.
Due to the innovative polymer complexes included in the composition, the use of an oxidant enhances the intensity and brilliance of the color.

What do experts say about oxidizing emulsion for hair dye?
Has the perfect creamy consistency
Mixes quickly into a homogeneous mixture
Suitable for all brand products – it’s convenient and economical.

How is Concept Oxidizing Emulsion 3% used?
Profy Touch 3% oxidizing emulsion should be mixed in proportions according to the instructions for the dye/lightening agent and the selected technique. Thanks to its delicate creamy consistency and carefully selected composition, it mixes well with cream dye. This ensures a uniform color shade and minimal impact on the hair.

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