KLEONA Hair Conditioner Nettle 150ml

KLEONA Hair Conditioner Nettle 150ml / 5.07oz

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Action: without silicones and parabens. Perfectly smoothes the hair along the entire length, gives elasticity and healthy shine, makes them flowing, restores the natural beauty of the hair. Facilitates combing, improves styling. Protects hair from thermal and chemical influences and UV radiation. Restores macro- and micro damage to the hair, improves the structure of the hair, fills them. Provides effective hydration. Reduces cross-section and fragility of ends, including dyed and bleached hair.
Ingredients: nettle decoction, cetearyl alcohol, beetroot betaine, almond seed oil, babassu oil, blue agave inulin, cocoglucoside, vegetable glycerin, jojoba oil, citric acid acid, hydrolyzed soy protein, Japanese honeysuckle extract, benzyl alcohol, glyceryl caprylate, hydrolyzed keratin, carboxycysteine, serine, glycine (aminoacetic acid), glutamic acid, guarhydroxypropyltrimonium chloride, rose essential oil, basil essential oil, lemon balm essential oil, essential oil dill, vegetable chlorophyll, vitamin E.
Does not contain silicones.
To use: apply the conditioner to clean, damp hair, spread it evenly over the entire length and rinse thoroughly with warm running water after 1-3 minutes. Do not apply to hair roots.
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