DOLCE MILK Conditioner Tricky tangerine 350ml/11.8fl.oz

DOLCE MILK Conditioner Tricky tangerine 350ml / 11.83oz

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+ tangerine extract
+ broccoli extract
+ aloe extract
+ citrus bioflavonoids
+ camellia oil
+ wheat bran extract
+ milk protein
After cleaning, the power and protection are fully turned on. A complex with bioflavonoids slows down the production of sebum, tangerine tones up and saves the scalp and hair from the effects of an aggressive environment - just what you need in a city that strives to leave its greasy mark. There is a way to make your hair look well-groomed for more than one day. And it smells like tangerine.
hair gets dirty less! for oily hair at the roots and dry at the ends
deep cleansing
reduces sebum production
tones the scalp
protects against the harmful effects of the environment
Application: After shampooing, apply conditioner to wet hair and scalp. Massage for 1-2 minutes. Rinse off thoroughly with warm water. Not recommended for use on roots and scalp.
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