Mi&Ko Conditioner Time Code COSMOS ORGANIC 200ml

Mi&Ko Conditioner Time Code COSMOS ORGANIC 200ml / 6.76oz

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Time Code Conditioner is at the forefront of the evolution of organic cosmetics containing scientifically proven active ingredients. The international certificate COSMOS ORGANIC guarantees the use of ingredients permitted for natural and organic certified cosmetics. Mi&Ko's production practices also comply with the most stringent environmental requirements.
How does the Time Code COSMOS ORGANIC air conditioner work?
• Reduces hair loss by 13% thanks to cassia leaf extract.
• Reduces the appearance of gray hair by 8%.
• Makes hair 2x stronger with innovative ingredients based on natural amino acids and adds volume.
• Deeply moisturizes the hair, increasing its elasticity, resilience and shine.
• Enhances hair protection from aggressive environmental factors.
Cassia alata leaf extract significantly reduces the effects of oxidative stress on hair follicles, slowing down graying, thinning and hair loss.
Valine aminolipid - a component based on 100% natural amino acids, with regular use makes hair 2 times stronger.
Phospholipids actively restore the damaged hair cuticle and strengthen the protective hydro-lipid barrier of the scalp.
Polyglyceryl-4-caprate, polyglyceryl-3-ricinoleate are natural conditioners 100% of vegetable origin: they perfectly soften and moisturize hair, give the product a delicate creamy texture.
Coco-caprylate is a 100% natural, harmless alternative to coconut-based silicones: it glides perfectly through the hair, envelops and moisturizes it, enhances shine.
Rapeseed alcohol softens and moisturizes hair, making it more manageable.
Apply a small amount of conditioner to clean, damp hair along the entire length, leave for 2-3 minutes, rinse with water.
Do not use in case of individual intolerance to the components
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