MIXIT Conditioner Collagen & Biotin 1000ml / 33.81oz

MIXIT Conditioner Collagen & Biotin 1000ml / 33.81oz

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Restoring hair conditioner with collagen and biotin strengthens the structure from the inside, smoothes the cuticle, provides restoration and lamination effect. The bioavailable formula developed by experts acts as a protective barrier, increases hair density and elasticity, and prevents hair breakage.

How does it work:
Marine collagen retains moisture, fills voids in the structure and reduces dryness;
Biotin reduces fragility and split ends, restores natural shine and fills unevenness in the structure of each hair.
restoration of hair structure;
normalization of keratin production;
strong, manageable and smooth hair;
lamination effect.

Apply conditioner to clean, damp hair, leave for 2-3 minutes, rinse thoroughly with water. Suitable for daily use. More effective in combination with other products from the Collagen & Biotin series.

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