Alerana Conditioner for all hair types 200ml

Alerana Conditioner for all hair types 200ml / 6.76oz

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Recommended for healing, restoring and improving the appearance of hair.
increases metabolism, providing active nutrition of hair follicles
strengthens the cohesion of scales on the hair shaft
restores the structure and reduces hair breakage
has a strong moisturizing effect
makes combing easier and makes hair shine
Balm-Rinse contains
hair growth stimulants based on plant extracts
moisturizers to help preserve the natural moisture of the hair
hair restoring proteins
Provitamin B5 (panthenol) has a strong moisturizing effect, restores hair structure and damaged splitting ends, reduces stratification and hair loss, improves their appearance and facilitates combing. Panthenol stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, increases the strength of collagen fibers.
Keratin penetrates into the deeper layers of the hair, eliminates damage and strengthens the adhesion of the scales on the hair shaft, protecting the hair from dryness and breakage
Natural nettle and burdock extracts stop the process of falling out and promote the growth of strong and healthy hair, increase metabolism, give the hair a healthy shine.
Betaine is a natural component, extracted from sugar beet. Provides prolonged hydration of the hair and scalp, helps to retain the natural moisture in the hair, has conditioning properties, enhances the natural shine of the hair.
Ceramides have a positive effect on the structure of damaged hair, strengthen the grip between the cuticle flakes, eliminate damage and flaking of cells on the hair shaft.
Extracts of tansy prevents loss, reduces breakage, helps eliminate dandruff
Apply a small amount of balsam conditioner to clean damp hair, leave it on
3 minutes, then rinse with warm water. It is recommended to use after applying the ALERANA® shampoo to achieve the best effect.
Suitable for prolonged use.
Hair Type
All hair types
Purposes of Application
Anti Hair Loss
Hair growth stimulation
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