Agafia's Hair Balm Strengthening for all hair types 350ml

Agafia's Hair Balm Strengthening for all hair types 350ml / 11.83oz

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Birch water, which is part of the balm, is an effective tool that strengthens hair roots, and carefully collected Siberian herbs eliminate brittleness, strengthening hair along the entire length. Thanks to the content of cold-pressed oils, the balm has a delicate texture and perfectly cares for the hair, restoring its structure and making combing easier.

INCI: Aqua with Infusion of Betula Alba Bud (water infused with birch buds*), enriched by oils: Arctium Lappa (burdock oil), Rosa Daurica (Dahurian rosehip oil), Pinus Pumila (cedar elfin oil); Extracts: Urtica Dionica (nettle), Hypericum perforatum (St. -and-stepmother); Cetrimonium Chlorid, Cetearyl Alcohol, Guar Gum (from carob), White Beeswax (white beeswax), Flower Wax (flower wax), Tocopherol (vitamin E), Niacinamide (vitamin PP), Glucosamine (aminosaccharides), Citric Acid, Parfum , Benzoic Acid, Sorbic Acid, Benzyl Alcohol.
Hair Type
All hair types
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