Ecocraft Natural hair conditioner White grapefruit and freesia 250ml

Ecocraft Natural hair conditioner White grapefruit and freesia 250ml / 8.45oz

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The Balm gives your hair shine smoothness and elasticity. Vitamin B5 nourishes the scalp, softens and smoothes the hair structure.
Composition: deionized water with extract of grapefruit, freesia, grape extract, glyceryl monostearate, Cetearyl alcohol, lauroyl sarcosinate sodium, oil, broccoli, almond oil, hydrolyzed wheat protein, isoamyl laurat, isoamyl of cocoat, silk protein, vegetable glycerin, lactic acid, provitamin B5, gel aloe Vera, ethylhexyl glycerin, sodium benzoate, fragrance oil.
Mode of application: shake bottle, apply by massaging movements on clean damp hair, rinse thoroughly. Recommended combined use with the shampoo "Mango and pink ginger" ECOCRAFT. with the shampoo "White grapefruit and freesia" ECOCRAFT.
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