Ecocraft A natural firming and revitalizing hair balm Frangipani and marian plum 250ml

Ecocraft A natural firming and revitalizing hair balm Frangipani and marian plum 250ml / 8.45oz

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The Balm restores the hair after dyeing intensive styling and the drying effects of the sun.
Composition: c deionized water extracts of frangipani, Mariana plum, lemongrass, Mandarin, glyceryl monostearate, Cetearyl alcohol, lauroyl sarcosine sodium, coconut oil, butter Mona de Tahiti, hydrolyzed wheat protein, isoamyl laurat, isoamyl of Cocoate, vegetable glycerin, lactic acid, provitamin B5, gel aloe vera, ethylhexyl glycerin, sodium benzoate, fragrance oil.
Mode of application: shake bottle, apply by massaging movements on clean damp hair, rinse thoroughly. Recommended combined use with the shampoo "Frangipani and Marian plum" ECOCRAFT.
Purposes of Application
Repair coloured & damaged hair
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