KLEONA Bioactive Day Cream Sea Buckthorn 50ml

KLEONA Sea Buckthorn Bioactive Day Cream 50ml / 1.69oz

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• cold-pressed sea buckthorn berry oil nourishes the skin, improves complexion, and prevents the appearance of the first wrinkles;
• calendula oil perfectly softens the skin, increases its resistance to ultraviolet radiation and other adverse environmental factors:
• daisy flower extract reduces skin pigmentation and makes age spots less noticeable. It reduces the production of endothelin-1 peptide, thereby reducing the biosynthesis of melanin under the influence of UV radiation, and reduces the activity of the enzyme tyrosinase, which is responsible for the synthesis of pigments in the skin.
• hazelnut oil evens out skin texture, tightens facial contours, smoothes out fine wrinkles;
• ginger extract gently, without burning or other unpleasant sensations, warms the skin, stimulates blood circulation, accelerates metabolism, thereby dramatically increasing the effectiveness of the cream as a whole. It also tightens pores, improves complexion and increases skin turgor.
The cream has a delicate, calm, non-strong floral aroma and light texture. It absorbs quickly, keeping the skin moisturized for many hours. Has a slight matting effect. Is a good base for makeup.
Ingredients: water, sucrose stearate, ginger extract, hazelnut oil, squalane, daisy flower extract, cetearyl alcohol, sorbitol, avocado oil, Shea butter, calendula oil, glycerin, benzyl alcohol, glyceryl oleate, sea buckthorn leaf extract, lemon balm extract , Jojoba oil, cold-pressed sea buckthorn berry oil, glyceryl caprylate, allantoin, tocopheryl acetate (Vitamin E), xanthan gum.
Directions for use: Apply a small amount of cream onto clean facial skin with light massage movements.
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