Bioseptin INTENSIVE face gel 60ml

Bioseptin INTENSIVE face gel 60ml / 2.02oz

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Bioseptin Intensive is a cooling and soothing gel for cosmetic procedures such as tattooing, botulinum therapy, biorevitalization, laser facial resurfacing. The product has a delicate, pleasant texture that facilitates application to the skin and provides a comfortable feeling. Suitable for consumers of all ages.
The Bioseptin formula has been developed taking into account the specifics of different skin types. It moisturizes, protects, nourishes the epidermis. Thanks to the cooling effect, it eliminates pain during the procedure. It also contributes to less trauma and faster skin regeneration after resurfacing and other cosmetic procedures. Bioseptin contributes to the preservation of the natural protective barrier of the skin.
Thoroughly cleanse the skin before the procedure, without using alcohol-containing products. Apply Bioseptin gel in one or more layers. The number of layers depends on the degree of moisture and sensitivity of the epidermis, as well as the nature of the future procedure.
To enhance the effect of Bioseptin, you can rub it into the skin with light massage movements. At the end of the procedure, remove the remaining product with a damp cloth. It doesn't need to be washed off. Bioseptin does not harm the epidermis, but promotes its regeneration.
Intensive can be used as a glide aid during a cosmetic procedure. To do this, apply a thick layer, press the device firmly against the skin, and apply it with sliding movements. If necessary, add Bioseptin to the area of manipulation.
The product is also used for "cold steaming" of the epidermis. Make-up removal before the procedure. Apply a thick layer of gel generously on the face. Cover the skin with cling film for 15 minutes. By the effect of exposure, such a procedure is comparable to an enzyme mask. It perfectly moisturizes, tones, rejuvenates the skin.
The use of Bioseptin Intensive is also indicated as a preparatory and analgesic agent before peeling. To prepare for 5-6 days, apply the product on a clean epidermis before going to bed. Coordinate the individual dosage and duration of the course with the cosmetologist who will carry out the procedure!
Ingredients: Porphyridium purpureum extract; Padina pavonica extract; Natural vegetable fragrance; Purified water.
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