Horse Force Burenka sour cream with cucumber juice for face and body 100ml / 3.38oz

Horse Force Burenka sour cream with cucumber juice for face and body 100ml / 3.38oz

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A cream based on cucumber juice, milk protein and a blend of natural vegetable oils will saturate your skin with minerals, vitamins and fatty acids. An ideal product for the care of sensitive, irritated, dry and flaky skin of the face, body, hands and feet.

Intensively moisturizes, soothes and cools irritated, red, inflamed, itchy skin, prevents flaking, softens and creates a pleasant feeling of freshness. Tones, relieves puffiness, allowing it to remain well-groomed for a long time.

The cream gives the skin maximum comfort at any time of the year, preserves its beauty and freshness, maintains elasticity and a healthy appearance.

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