ChocoLatte Face cream gel Bio-active with Biolin prebiotic (5%) to restore skin bio-balance 30ml

ChocoLatte Face cream gel Bio-active with Biolin prebiotic (5%) to restore skin bio-balance 30ml / 1.01oz

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Bioactive phospholipid complex with prebiotic Biolin (5%), which restores the natural balance of the skin, optimal pH level, protects the skin from irritating environmental factors, eliminates dryness, flaking, redness, itching and acne.

ChocoLatte facial active gel-cream is made from the purest spring water and is completely environmentally friendly, acts as an energizer, actively and deeply penetrating tired cells.

The active component Biolin is a prebiotic for ideal skin balance, a real “trap” for bacteria.

AMISOL TRIO is a biolipid active complex to eliminate allergic reactions and peeling, and is also famous for its ability to heal cracks.

Application: Apply a thin layer in the evening and/or morning to cleansed facial skin with light patting movements until completely absorbed. Recommended for all skin types, all ages, especially for problematic, teenage and sensitive skin prone to irritation and redness. Before use, test for a possible allergic reaction by applying a drop of cream to the inside of your elbow.

Ingredients: Spring water, argan oil, Biolin (inulin, alpha-glucan oligosaccharide), squalane, konjac glucomannan, d-panthenol, lecithin, AMISOL TRIO (phospholipids, phytosterols, glycolipids, soy glycine, vitamin F), vitamins A and E, Sharomix 705, colloidal silver concentrate.

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