ChocoLatte Face cream gel Fine Silk SPF20 50ml

ChocoLatte Face cream gel Fine Silk SPF20 30ml / 1.01oz

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Soft, reliable protection against UV rays and premature aging of the skin, moisturizes, softens, provides a soft focus effect, evens out the texture, hiding minor imperfections, and prevents the appearance of age spots.

Ingredients: spring water, zinc oxide (Zinc Clear™) 12%, lemon balm hydrolate, aloe vera gel, oils (olive, poppy seeds and watermelon), plant squalane, boron nitride, extracts: goji berries, mate leaves, kelp, aloe vera , green tea, gingo biloba; glycerin, lecithin, sodium hyaluronate, alpha hydroxy acids, sharomix 705, colloidal silver concentrate, rosewood essential oil, vitamins: B5 (panthenol), PP (nicotinamide), C (ascorbic acid, sodium ascorbate), E (alpha tocopherol) ; CO2 blend: nettle, walnut, burdock root and cucumber seeds.

Contains only mineral physical UV filters.

Application: apply a thin (!) layer to cleansed facial skin, décolleté, and around the eyes. You can first, before applying SPF cream, use any moisturizer (cream, serum, etc.) or spray a small amount of hydrolate (flower water) or bio-tonic for the face on the skin.

Caution: may lighten skin tone if applied in a thicker layer or due to uneven distribution.

Recommended for daily protection of the skin from UV rays as a base for makeup, after cosmetic cleansing and exfoliating programs, as well as on the beach. Doesn't clog pores and helps make-up last longer.

Skin Type
Dry skin
Normal skin
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