Peptides Revilab Peptide Revitalizer №3 15ml

Peptides Khavinson Revilab Peptide Revitalizer №3 15ml / 0.50oz

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A highly effective cream based on synthetic peptides, strengthens and nourishes the skin with energy, struggle against dehydration, dullness, wrinkles and other visible signs of aging. The major objective is to restore the natural power and vitality of skin and to erase signs of age-related changes and signs of fatigue.
The modern complex of peptides quickly recovers damaged DNA cells and promotes regeneration of the skin matrix. The synergy of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid and plant extracts helps to rejuvenate and nourish the skin.Effect:
reduces the number and depth of wrinkles,
regulates the moisture balance of the skin,
eliminates first signs of aging skin,
effectively fights signs of fatigue,
encourages the "cell respiration" and fills the skin with energy,
restores skin firmness and elasticity.How to apply:
Morning and/or evening apply with light massage movements to cleansed face and neck.
Purposes of Application
Lifting & Rejuvenation
Modeling face contours
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